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Added to Database:
8 April 2010
Last Edited:
8 April 2010
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Tanks confirmed built here: 1: Jagdtiger Tank Destroyer - The Tank Museum - Public Areas, Bovington, Dorset, South West England, Britain (Built August 1944)
Models of tank built here: 1: Panzerkampfwagen IV Tank - Ausf F (Additional manufacturer) 2: Panzerkampfwagen IV Tank - Ausf G (Additional manufacturer) 3: Panzerkampfwagen IV Tank - Ausf H (Additional manufacturer) 4: Panzerkampfwagen IV Tank - Ausf J (Sole manufacturer 1944-5) 5: Panzerbefehlswagen IV Command Tank (Sole manufacturer March-September 1944) 6: Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär Assault Gun (Chassis manufacturer) 7: Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär Assault Gun - Brummbär Abschlusserie (Chassis manufacturer) 8: Panzer IV/70 Zwischenlösung Tank Destroyer (Sole manufacturer of Alkett design 1944-5) 9: Elefant Tank Destroyer - Early Production Vehicles (100 chassis manufactured 1941-42 then 90 converted to Elefant April-May 1943) 10: Elefant Tank Destroyer - Remanufactured Vehicles (100 chassis manufactured 1941-42 then 90 converted to Elefant April-May 1943) 11: Jagdtiger Tank Destroyer - Porsche Model (Sole manufacturer February 1944-May 1945) 12: Jagdtiger Tank Destroyer - Henschel Model (Sole manufacturer February 1944-May 1945)
Long term: 1: Elefant Tank Destroyer - U.S. Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Harford County, Maryland, USA (Returned to factory for upgrade)
The company was founded as Josef und Franz Werndl and Company in 1864 as a rifle manufacturer, but became known as Steyr-Werke AG in 1924. It began producing bicycles in 1894, and Steyr automobiles in 1915. In 1934, Steyr merged with Austro-Daimler-Puch to form Steyr-Daimler-Puch. During World War II Steyr-Daimler-Puch used slave labour, notably in the Mauthausen-Gusen camp complex at Gusen. This practice was in common with many other larger German companies, such as Mercedes-Benz and MAN, during that time. The vehicle range was built for military use, including the Steyr RSO Raupenschlepper Ost with an air-cooled 3.5-litre V8 engine designed by Ferdinand Porsche, who worked for the company at that time. (Source: Wikipedia). The Nibelungen works was the largest and most advanced tank assembly plant of the German Reich. In the plant, which was run by Steyr-Daimler-Puch, over half of all Panzer IV tanks were produced up until the end of World War II. Under the German four-year plan, after the annexation of Austria, an armaments centre was created in the area of Linz, which included, among other things, the manufacture of armour plates at the Upper Danube Ironworks for the Nibelungen works which was itself responsible for the final assembly of tanks. The latter resulted from plans from 1939 to build an arms factory at the railway junction town of Saint Valentin for 65 million Reichsmark. The official opening took place in 1942. When completed, the monthly production capacity was intended to be 320 tanks, but this was never achieved. (Source: All early models of Panzer IV were manufactured by Krupp but from the Ausf F production was extended to Nibelungenwerke and later also included Vomag. In December 1941 Krupp’s factory was diverted to manufacture the Sturmgeschütz IV, and in the spring of 1944 the Vomag factory began production of the Jagdpanzer IV, leaving Nibelungenwerke as the only plant still assembling the Panzer IV.
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1: “Jagtiger assembly line”, photo from Gruasdealba/Webshots
Taken: 1945 (Estimated) Contributor: CRFU Location Photo ID: 269 Added: 8 April 2010 Views: 588 Has Priority: 0
November 1943
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2: Plan of Nibelungenwerk, uploaded by H. Klawuttke
Taken: 29 November 1943 Contributor: Wikimedia Location Photo ID: 272 Added: 8 April 2010 Views: 454 Has Priority: 0
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3: Elefants being manufactured, photo from
Taken: 1943 (Estimated) Contributor: CRFU Location Photo ID: 270 Added: 8 April 2010 Views: 807 Has Priority: 0
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4: Construction of VK4501(P) prototype, photo from Forum.Ax...
Taken: 1942 (Estimated) Contributor: CRFU Location Photo ID: 271 Added: 8 April 2010 Views: 2254 Has Priority: 0
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