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gone or unknown (details here)
The Santa Barbara barracks were originally built after World War I to provide accommodation and training grounds for the Reggimento Artiglieria a Cavallo (Horse Artillery Regiment). The main entrances are located on the east side, with secondary entrances for armoured and other vehicles, and convoys, on the west side. It is currently home to the Reggimento Artiglieria a Cavallo, 1° Reggimento Trasmissioni (1st Signal Regiment) and part of the 32° Reggimento Trasmissioni. It includes an airbase and an area for driving and training on tracked vehicles. It is well known as being the target of a terrorist bomb in October 2009.
Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)
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1: Original vehicle storage area
Taken: 2000 (Estimated) Contributor: M. Viucci Location Photo ID: 192 Added: 16 January 2010 Views: 206 Has Priority: 0
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