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Museo Storico della Motorizzazione Militare, Cecchignola, Roma, Lazio, Italy

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Location Category ID: 5600
Added to Database: 16 January 2011
Last Edited: 17 December 2011
Address: Viale dell'Esercito 170, 00143 Roma, Italy
Telephone: +39 06 5011885
Opening Times:
Official Website: Esercito Italiano
Other Links: Ferrea Mole
Ferrea Mole Forum
Nikon Land
Modellismo Alla Buona
Latitude, Longitude: 41.80467096 , 12.49625891
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here: 1: L3/33 Tankette - Museo Storico dei Carristi, Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (Unconfirmed)
2: Carro Armato M14/41 Tank - Museo Storico dei Carristi, Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (Dates unknown)

The Museo Storico della Motorizzazione Militare (Historical Museum of Military Vehicles) moved into its current premises in the Scuola della Motorizzazione Militare (Military Vehicle School) in 1991. Overall it houses more than three hundred vehicles, including cars, trucks and sixty tracked vehicles. There are six exhibition halls covering the history of vehicles in Italian military service, including a library and archive. Exhibits include towed carts from the First World War, lorries, two light aircraft, a torpedo, an ambulance, and tanks from the Second World War and Post-War eras.
The museum was originally created in 1955 and has as its primary purpose the collection and preservation of historical reference material related to military vehicles. It also preserves material related to the Engineer, Artillery and Transport Corps. Its aim is to give witness to the overall technical and technological evolution of military transport.

Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

July 2009

Carrier on trailer at the Museo Storico della Motorizzazione Militare
1: Carrier on trailer at the Museo Storico della Motorizzaz...

Taken: 7 July 2009
Contributor: M. Foti
Location Photo ID: 392
Added: 18 January 2011
Views: 416
Has Priority: 0


Staghound armoured car
2: Staghound armoured car

Taken: 7 July 2009
Contributor: M. Foti
Location Photo ID: 393
Added: 18 January 2011
Views: 604
Has Priority: 0