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Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, USA

(Location: Primary Storage Area)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1368

Unique ID: 1368
Added to Database: 26 October 2010
Last Edited: 26 October 2010
Type (ID): M103 (1870)
Model (ID): M103A2 (1873)
Location Category (ID): Mississippi Armed Forces Museum (74100)
Location (ID): Primary Storage Area (74120)
Serial Number:
Other Identification: Painted in a three colour camouflage scheme.
Collection Reference:
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Chrysler Corporation Newark Assembly Plant, Newark, New Castle County, Delaware, USA (Sole manufacturer of base M103 1953-4)
2: Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Bowie County, Texas, USA (Sole organisation for upgrade from M103A1 to M103A2 1962-8)
3: Fort Polk Military Museum, Leesville, Vernon Parish, Louisiana, USA (Seen 1989-91)
4: Louisiana Museum of Military History, Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, USA (Until 2000)
5: Lafayette Asphalt Company, Elks, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, USA (Until 2008/9)
6: Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, Forrest County, Mississippi, USA (Current location)

Text in original Preserved American Tanks publication:

[No entry]

Text in Preserved American Tanks Update:

[No entry]

Text in original Preserved Tanks In USA publication:

This M103 was originally a gate guard at Fort Polk while the 5th Infantry Division was stationed there, and it retains the three colour CARC camouflage scheme that 5th ID painted it. Later it was displayed in the Louisiana Museum of Military History, after which it went into storage at Lafayette Asphalt Co. (source: Tanklord). At Fort Polk in 1989-91 it displayed was beside the entrance road at Highway 71 (source: D. Moriarty).

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

March 2009

Upper rear right view
1: Upper rear right view

Taken: 29 March 2009
Contributor: J. Daneri
Photo ID: 3831
Added: 26 October 2010
Filename: Dig_M103...
Views: 781
Select/Has Priority: 21/0



August 2007

Right view
2: Right view

Taken: 12 August 2007
Contributor: Tanklord
Photo ID: 3934
Added: 3 November 2010
Filename: 100-0087...
Views: 285
Select/Has Priority: 21/0