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Text in original Preserved German Tanks publication:
During the Battle of the Bulge sSS PzAbt 501, to which this King Tiger belonged, formed the armour constituent of the battlegroup known as Kampfgruppe Peiper. Kampfgruppe Peiper was the spearhead of 1 SS Panzer Division which, with 12 SS PzDiv, made up 1 SS Panzer Korps. By the end of December 1944 this battlegroup was surrounded without fuel around the town of La Gleize. When it withdrew it left behind six King Tigers. Two were on roads outside the town, including “334” covering the northern approach road, and one was abandoned within the town. Three were abandoned in fields around the town; this one, “213”, and “221” were abandoned near the Wérimont Farm, with “204” left nearby. An attempt was made by US forces to recover “204” but it failed, and “332” at Coo was taken instead (see below). King Tiger “213”, previously commanded by SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf Dollinger, was planned to be removed by American soldiers in July 1945. However, it was saved by the intervention of a local woman and was instead towed to the village square. It was moved in August 1951 by the Belgian Army to its present position in a cul-de-sac off the main road (N33), near the churchyard. It shows evidence of battle damage, particularly shell strikes on the glacis. Some restoration work was done in 1972 and its muzzle-brake, destroyed by American engineers late in 1944, was replaced by a Panther one — it is of interest to note that this Panther muzzle-brake was from one of the Skorzeny M10 Panthers. It was repainted in 1981. Its chassis number is 280273 and it was built in October 1944. Nearby is the Museum ’44 which includes a Goliath demolition vehicle among its exhibits. The museum is owned by M. Gérard Grégoire who was instrumental in restoring the King Tiger.
Text in Preserved German Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Date Unknown
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1: The King Tiger at La Gleize
Taken: Date Unknown Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 185 Added: 3 July 2008 Filename: Scan_KT_... Views: 398 Select/Has Priority: 1/0
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