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(Model: Late Production Model)

Snegiri Museum of Military History, Lenino, Russia

(Location: Display Area)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 80

Unique ID: 80
Added to Database: May 2008
Last Edited: May 2008
Type (ID): Tiger (170)
Model (ID): Late Production Model (320)
Location Category (ID): Snegiri Museum of Military History (2175)
Location (ID): Display Area (2175)
Serial Number:
Other Identification:
Collection Reference:
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Wegmann & Co, Kassel, Nordhessen, Germany (Turret manufacturer)
2: Henschel und Sohn, Kassel, Nordhessen, Germany (Chassis manufacturer and vehicle assembly)
3: Snegiri Museum of Military History, Lenino, Moscow Oblast, Russia (Current location)

Text in original Preserved German Tanks publication:

This Tiger is in a poor condition and is on display at Snegiri (also known as Snijni). It originally belonged to sPzAbt 510. It has some of the characteristics of the last Tigers built such as the crane mounting points and central headlamp mount; however other features are obscured by damage. It has shell holes in the right side and front of the superstructure and turret that indicate that it was probably used as a hard target on a firing range. It is missing its turret stowage box, parts of its tracks, suspension and exhausts, and many other fittings. It was originally displayed without a gun barrel, the current one is a fake. It does not appear to have been coated with Zimmerit.

Text in Preserved German Tanks Update:

[No entry]

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

February 1996

Rear right view
1: Rear right view

Taken: February 1996
Contributor: J. Kinnear
Photo ID: 8448
Added: 7 August 2012
Filename: Scan-RR_...
Views: 633
Select/Has Priority: 26/0




Front right view
2: Front right view

Taken: 1992 (Estimated)
Contributor: J. Kinnear
Photo ID: 8449
Added: 7 August 2012
Filename: Scan-FR_...
Views: 1270
Select/Has Priority: 26/0



Date Unknown

The Tiger at Snegiri
3: The Tiger at Snegiri

Taken: Date Unknown
Contributor: M. Boyden
Photo ID: 169
Added: 3 July 2008
Filename: Scan_Tig...
Views: 3877
Select/Has Priority: 1/0