MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
July 2009
Last Edited:
July 2009
Type (ID):
M10 (1510)
Model (ID):
M10 (1512)
Location Category (ID):
Museé Des Blindés (6200)
Location (ID):
Reserve Storage (6290)
Serial Number: |
Registration: |
“420-154” (French) painted on the nose.
Name: |
“C. E. DE NEUCHÉZE” (previously “SIROCO” after a tank destroyer of the 2ème Division Blindée, the Leclerc Division of the Second World War).
Other Identification: |
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: General Motors - Fisher Body Division, Grand Blanc, Genesee County, Michigan, USA (Sole manufacturer September 1942-December 1943) 2: Museé Des Blindés, Saumur, Anjou, Maine-et-Loire, France (Current location)
Text in original Preserved American Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved American Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In France publication:
This M10 is in running order and regularly takes part in the Carrousel displays.
July 1984
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1: Front view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1646 Added: 21 July 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 212 Select/Has Priority: 4/0
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2: Front left view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1960 Added: 29 August 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 161 Select/Has Priority: 17/0
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3: Right view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1961 Added: 29 August 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 197 Select/Has Priority: 17/0
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4: Front left view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1962 Added: 29 August 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 163 Select/Has Priority: 17/0
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5: Front view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1963 Added: 29 August 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 162 Select/Has Priority: 17/0
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6: Rear right view
Taken: 24 July 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1964 Added: 29 August 2009 Filename: Scan_M10... Views: 169 Select/Has Priority: 17/0
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