Preserved Tanks has been created by Trevor Larkum of Armour Archive to provide information on preserved tanks around the world. It was initially built using the content from existing Armour Archive publications, including Preserved German Tanks 1: A7V to Panzer IV, Preserved German Tanks 2: Panzer V Panther to Leopard 2, Preserved Tanks in France, Preserved Tanks in Russia, and so on (these publications are available as paperback books from Armour Archive).
The first books to be put online were Preserved German Tanks Volumes 1 and 2 (see the links at the top). Then the first chapters of Preserved Tanks in Russia (covering the Kubinka and Moscow collections) and Preserved Tanks in France (covering Normandy and the Saumur armour museum) were added.
The site went online 8 June 2008. Since then a large number of tanks and collections have been added covering many countries of the world, including UK, USA, Canada, Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and so on. This work is planned to continue until all preserved tanks (i.e. those no longer in military service) have been recorded.
Sunday, August 10, 2014 |
Continuing my catch-up of past developments, in 2012 I also wrote up the Dutch Cavalry Museum at Amersfoort in the Netherlands, and the Danbury collection in Connecticut, USA.
Dutch Cavalry Museum, Amersfoort

Military Museum of Southern New England, Danbury

In 2013 the write-ups for Borden, Canada, and Aldershot, UK, were completed - work on other 2013 projects (particularly in Canada and the Netherlands) continues in 2014 and will be covered in future posts.
Canadian Forces Base, Borden

Aldershot Military Museum

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Monday, March 17, 2014 |
It's been a long time since my last blog post - a lot of work has been done on the site since then so I'll show some highlights here.
The big news of 2011 was covering the large collections of Overloon in the Netherlands, and Armourgeddon in the UK, in between writing a complete new book on Preserved Tanks in Brazil. In total more than 2300 photo's were added to the database.
Liberty Park Oorlogsmuseum, Overloon, Netherlands

Armourgeddon, UK

Preserved Tanks in Brazil

The highlight of 2012 was undoubtedly completing the write-up of Bovington Tank Museum, including its reserve collections. It is probably the single biggest tank collection in the world with 250 tanks, the only other potential competitors being Kubinka and Saumur - at least since the collections in the US at APG and Fort Knox have been broken up. It is surely the premier collection in the world since it leads the way in the restoration of running vehicles and in providing public display facilities for the bulk of its collection. Writing it up was certainly a labour of love, and I believe the first time ever that the reserve collection has been fully catalogued. Preserved Tanks at Bovington

Two other major developments in 2012 were the sections on Preserved Tanks in Poland, and the Isle of Wight Military Museum, UK.
Preserved Tanks in Poland

Isle of Wight Military Museum
admin at 1:56 PM |
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Monday, October 31, 2011 |
Preserved Tanks in Italy and UK |
Friday, September 30, 2011 |
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 |
My thanks go to Ian Holloway who contacted me, having seen the item on Preserved Tanks in Italy, and provided photo's of preserved Italian and other tanks in Egypt. This prompted me to start a new page and it can be seen here:
Preserved Tanks in Egypt
Meanwhile I have continued to work with Massimo Foti to track down vehicles around Switzerland, and we have managed to make great progress there:
Preserved Tanks in Switzerland
For example, here's the Panzerwagen 39 in the Thun SHP collection:
Closer to home I have continued to work on tanks around the UK, and early results can be seen here:
Preserved Tanks in Britain
The highlight for me so far is the excellent Muckleburgh Collection - highly recommended!
Muckleburgh Collection
In addition I have made a large number of code improvements to the website, including listing tanks previously seen at each collection, better formatting, information on factories, etc. I hope you like it.
admin at 9:39 PM |
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