Thursday, December 31, 2009 |
A busy month - and two bits of good news:
Firstly, with Massimo Foti, who made the major contribution to Preserved Tanks in Switzerland, I am currently working on Preserved Tanks in Italy. Although it is still a work-in-progress it is shaping up well so it's time to make it available for everyone:

Preserved Tanks in Italy
Keep an eye on it over the next few weeks as it is developing fast.
Secondly, the site recently underwent a major upgrade. The most obvious changes are that photographs are now displayed at a much higher resolution when you click through to them, and also there is now a specific Profile page for each tank in the database that contains all the information for that tank in one place. As an example, here's the new Profile page for the Tiger II at Full mentioned in a previous blog:
Swiss King Tiger
More upgrades are planned for the new year.
admin at 9:48 PM |
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