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Barcelos Collection, Bragança Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil

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Location Category ID: 37592
Added to Database: 11 August 2011
Last Edited: 12 October 2011
Opening Times:
Official Website:
Other Links: Itupeva
MVCG France
RR Services
Latitude, Longitude: -22.95216941 , -46.59259915
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here: 1: M3 Stuart Light Tank - Länzlinger Collection, Rüthi, St. Gallen, Switzerland (Until October 2008)
2: M3 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
3: M3 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
4: M3 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
5: M3 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
6: M3 Stuart Light Tank - Staman International Trading, Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, The Netherlands (Until September 2008)
7: M3 Stuart Light Tank - Staman International Trading, Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, The Netherlands (Until September 2008)
8: M3 Stuart Light Tank - Marcus Glenn, Little Sutton, Lincolnshire, East Midlands, Britain (Until October 2008)
9: M3 Stuart Light Tank - Muzeum Wojsk Ladowych, Osiedle Leśne, Bydgoszczy, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland (Unconfirmed)
10: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Marcus Glenn, Little Sutton, Lincolnshire, East Midlands, Britain (Until October 2008)
11: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Staman International Trading, Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, The Netherlands (Until September 2008)
12: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Staman International Trading, Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, The Netherlands (Until September 2008)
13: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Versolato Collection, Moema, São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil (Until 2002)
14: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Dimas de Melo Pimenta (DIMEP), Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil (Until ca2003)
15: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
16: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
17: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
18: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
19: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
20: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - The Tank Museum - Reserve Collection, Bovington, Dorset, South West England, Britain (Until October 2008)
21: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
22: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Until October 2008)
23: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Tanks in Town, Mesvin, Mons, Hainaut Province, Belgium (Until October 2008)
24: M4 Sherman Tank - Versolato Collection, Moema, São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil (Until 2002)

This collection of armoured vehicles was previously stored at Itupeva. While they were here some were sold to collectors. (Source: P. Bidoli).
The last sixteen M3 Stuart tanks in the collection were purchased by Mike Stallwood of RR Services Limited in 2007, and in 2008 they were shipped to England. The majority have since been sold to collectors, some via Staman International Trading in the Netherlands.

Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)


Bragança Paulista collection
1: Bragança Paulista collection

Taken: 2001 (Estimated)
Contributor: P. Bidoli
Location Photo ID: 489
Added: 23 July 2011
Views: 156
Has Priority: 0


A row of Stuart tanks
2: A row of Stuart tanks

Taken: 2001 (Estimated)
Contributor: P. Bidoli
Location Photo ID: 519
Added: 17 August 2011
Views: 200
Has Priority: 0


Stuart tanks and a Sherman missing its gun and mantlet
3: Stuart tanks and a Sherman missing its gun and mantlet

Taken: 2001 (Estimated)
Contributor: P. Bidoli
Location Photo ID: 520
Added: 17 August 2011
Views: 208
Has Priority: 0