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(Model: M3)

RR Motor Services, Ashford, Britain

(Location: Storage)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1812

Unique ID: 1812
Added to Database: 23 August 2011
Last Edited: 12 October 2011
Type (ID): M3 Stuart (1030)
Model (ID): M3 (1032)
Location Category (ID): RR Motor Services (3195)
Location (ID): Storage (3195)
Serial Number:
Registration: EB11049? (Brazilian): “EB11049” or similar painted on hull sides.
Other Identification:
Collection Reference:
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: American Car and Foundry Company, Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA (Sole manufacturer March 1941-August 1942)
2: Barcelos Collection, Itupeva, São Paulo State, Brazil (From 1990 until 2001)
3: Barcelos Collection, Bragança Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil (Until October 2008)
4: Antwerp Docks, Belgium (Staging point October 2008)
5: Tilbury Docks – London, England (Staging point October 2008)
6: RR Motor Services, Ashford, Kent, South East England, Britain (Current location)

Text in original Preserved American Tanks publication:

[No entry]

Text in Preserved American Tanks Update:

[No entry]

Text in original Preserved Tanks In Britain publication:

This M3 was one of the batch of Stuarts imported from Brazil by RR Motor Services in October 2008. It is believed to have been sold but its current status and location are unknown.

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

October 2008

Stuart tank at extreme right
1: Stuart tank at extreme right

Taken: October 2008
Contributor: J. Blackman/Military Vehicle Photos
Photo ID: 5495
Added: 23 August 2011
Filename: e2_Stuar...
Views: 196
Select/Has Priority: 21/0