MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
July 2008
Last Edited:
30 June 2010
Type (ID):
Tiger II (210)
Model (ID):
Henschel Turret Model (400)
Location Category (ID):
Schweizerische Militärmuseum (17710)
Location (ID):
Museum Building (17710)
Serial Number: |
“280215” - chassis number.
Registration: |
Name: |
Other Identification: |
“341” and German crosses painted on turret sides. Painted overall in a green, brown and yellow camouflage scheme. In the 1980’s: “331” and German crosses painted on the turret sides. 1 SS Panzer Korps emblem painted on glacis. Painted overall in a dark green and yellow camouflage scheme.
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
Kö – German – English – Gallery 1 SS Panzerkorps – Wikipedia
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: Wegmann & Co, Kassel, Nordhessen, Germany (Henschel-designed turret manufacturer) 2: Henschel und Sohn, Kassel, Nordhessen, Germany (Chassis manufacture and vehicle assembly September 1944) 3: France (In a camp after the war) 4: Panzermuseum, Thun, Bern, Switzerland (Until 2006) 5: Schweizerische Militärmuseum, Full, Zurzach, Aargau, Switzerland (Current location)
Text in original Preserved German Tanks publication:
This King Tiger is missing its muzzle brake and the end of its gun barrel.
Text in Preserved German Tanks Update:
This King Tiger is fitted with a Henschel turret. It arrived on 14 September 2006 from Thun as a permanent loan. It is to be restored over some years from the ground up. The turret has been removed and is displayed separately on a stand, while the hull has been stripped of its tracks, engine and other components. Restoration began in November 2007 and it was found that the engine, transmission and steering systems were largely complete, though some parts such as the air filter and carburettor were missing, and the alternator and fans were in poor condition. Most sheet metals parts were rusted away, including the fuel tanks, fans, and covers. Where possible existing parts are being restored and reused, while missing or badly corroded parts are being replaced. Restoration work takes place in the main hall of the museum, where visitors can watch its progress. In the years after World War II the French army gifted to Switzerland several German tanks. Some of these vehicles were subsequently used for experiments or for targets on firing ranges such as Hartziele. Some still survive in the outdoor display area of Thun museum, and over the intervening period they have been repainted a number of times so their original markings have been lost. The story of how this vehicle came from France to Switzerland is now shrouded in mystery, and today no documents can be found about how it came or by what route it reached Thun. It is not known where the tank served so the museum is now trying to clarify its history. From its chassis number ‘280215’ it is clear that it was manufactured and delivered in September 1944. Remains of Zimmerit anti-magnetic mine coating indicate that it was originally equipped with such a coating. According to the website a recently discovered photograph shows the King Tiger after the war at a camp somewhere in France. At that time it was fitted with transport track but the muzzle damage and other details identify it as the same vehicle. Further it suggests that the chassis number and the timing of delivery imply that it served with Schwere Panzer Abteilung 506. However, sPzAbt 506 returned to Germany from the Eastern Front in August 1944, received its Tigers IIs during August and September, and deployed to Holland late in September. It is therefore unclear how a tank from that unit could have ended up in a camp in France at the end of the war. Nonetheless, the most likely alternative unit would probably have been sPzAbt 503 but it was mostly equipped with Tiger IIs fitted with Porsche turrets; it only received a handful of vehicles fitted with Henschel turrets, and in any case most of its tanks were abandoned or destroyed by their crews following the withdrawal through the Falaise gap at the end of August 1944. The origin of this vehicle therefore remains a mystery.
October 2010
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1: Engine compartment
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3868 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0048... Views: 2767 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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2: Turret interior, looking through rear hatch
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3869 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0040... Views: 9162 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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3: Forward crew compartment cover
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3870 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0044... Views: 2715 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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4: Roadwheels
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3871 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0057... Views: 1992 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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5: Suspension torsion bar arms
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3872 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0063... Views: 5869 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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6: Turret and basket
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3873 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0037... Views: 2062 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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7: Final drive components
Taken: 15 October 2010 Contributor: W. Dirks Photo ID: 3874 Added: 31 October 2010 Filename: IMG-0089... Views: 1969 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
July 2009
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8: Front left view on hull
Taken: 11 July 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 3383 Added: 30 June 2010 Filename: IMG_4095... Views: 1810 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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9: Engine compartment
Taken: 11 July 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 3384 Added: 30 June 2010 Filename: IMG_4202... Views: 1773 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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10: Turret close-up
Taken: 11 July 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 3385 Added: 30 June 2010 Filename: IMG_4964... Views: 4891 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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11: Radiators, before and after restoration
Taken: 11 July 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 3386 Added: 30 June 2010 Filename: IMG_4080... Views: 2170 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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12: Radiator fans, new and original
Taken: 11 July 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 3387 Added: 30 June 2010 Filename: IMG_4079... Views: 2549 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
August 2008
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13: Rear left view
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1456 Added: 21 June 2009 Filename: IMG3157_... Views: 2284 Select/Has Priority: 22/22
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14: Hull top view
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1457 Added: 21 June 2009 Filename: IMG3109_... Views: 2192 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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15: Turret on stand
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1458 Added: 21 June 2009 Filename: IMG3108_... Views: 3277 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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16: Turret front
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1459 Added: 21 June 2009 Filename: Dig_KT_F... Views: 2262 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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17: Upper rear view on hull
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1460 Added: 21 June 2009 Filename: IMG3073_... Views: 2165 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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18: Turret close-up
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1519 Added: 28 June 2009 Filename: Dig_KT_F... Views: 1850 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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19: Top view on engine compartment
Taken: 30 August 2008 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1520 Added: 28 June 2009 Filename: Dig_KT_F... Views: 1963 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
September 2007
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20: Front view, photo by Schwepps 88
Taken: 27 September 2007 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 1533 Added: 28 June 2009 Filename: Dig_KT_F... Views: 2141 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
September 2006
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21: Front left view, photo by D. Clemént
Taken: 26 September 2006 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 1447 Added: 15 June 2009 Filename: Dig_Ktig... Views: 2577 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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22: Rear left view, photo by D. Clemént
Taken: 26 September 2006 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 1448 Added: 15 June 2009 Filename: Dig_Ktig... Views: 1938 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
April 1984
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23: Front right view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1271 Added: 23 May 2009 Filename: Scan_KT_... Views: 2575 Select/Has Priority: 1/0
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24: Front left view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1323 Added: 30 May 2009 Filename: Scan_Kin... Views: 3125 Select/Has Priority: 20/0
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25: Front left view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1324 Added: 30 May 2009 Filename: Scan_Kin... Views: 3898 Select/Has Priority: 16/0
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