MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
June 2009
Last Edited:
June 2009
Type (ID):
Panzer 58 (17300)
Model (ID):
Panzer 58 (17300)
Location Category (ID):
Panzermuseum (17100)
Location (ID):
External Display Area (17100)
Serial Number: |
Registration: |
“M0895” painted on nose and rear left mud flap (previously rear right mud flap).
Name: |
Other Identification: |
“DLP1” painted on plate on front right mud flap (previously just “DLP”).
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: RUAG Eidgenössische Konstruktions-Werkstätte (K+W), Thun, Bern, Switzerland (Design parent and manufacturer of 10 prototypes 1958) 2: Panzermuseum, Thun, Bern, Switzerland (Current location)
Text in original Preserved Swiss Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved Swiss Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In Switzerland publication:
This was the second prototype of the Pz 58 built; it is armed with a British 20pdr gun. The Pz 58 was the first tank to be made in Switzerland, and the first examples were completed in 1958. The Pz 58 did not enter production.
May 2009
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1: Front right view
Taken: 19 May 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1375 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Dig_Panz... Views: 273 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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2: Rear left view
Taken: 19 May 2009 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 1376 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Dig_Panz... Views: 221 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
April 1984
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3: Front left view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1371 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Scan_Pan... Views: 235 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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4: Left view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1372 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Scan_Pan... Views: 200 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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5: Front right view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1373 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Scan_Pan... Views: 247 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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6: Rear left view
Taken: 27 April 1984 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 1374 Added: 10 June 2009 Filename: Scan_Pan... Views: 246 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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