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American Car and Foundry Company, Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA

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Location Category ID: 88850
Added to Database: 3 November 2010
Last Edited: 3 November 2010
Opening Times:
Official Website:
Other Links: Wikipedia
Latitude, Longitude: 41.05688051 , -76.24492407
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here: Tanks confirmed built here:
1: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank - Cavaleriemuseum, Bernhardkazerne, Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Manufactured 1942)
2: M42 Duster Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun - Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, Forrest County, Mississippi, USA (Manufactured between April 1952-December 1953)

Models of tank built here:
1: M2A4 Light Tank (Sole manufacturer April 1940-March 1941)
2: M3 Stuart Light Tank - M3 (Sole manufacturer March 1941-August 1942)
3: M3A1 Stuart Light Tank (Sole manufacturer June 1942-early 1943)
4: M3A3 Stuart Light Tank (Sole manufacturer from early 1943-October 1943)
5: M3 Stuart Command Tank - M3 Command Tank (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle)
6: M3 Stuart Tank Recovery Vehicle - Stuart TRV (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle)
7: M5A1 Stuart Light Tank (Additional manufacturer October 1943-April 1944)
8: X1 Light Tank (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle)
9: X1A1 Light Tank (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle)
10: X1A2 Light Tank (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle)
11: XLF Armoured Launch Vehicle (Sole manufacturer of base M3)
12: M42 Duster Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun - M42 (Additional manufacturer April 1952-December 1953)
13: M42A1 Duster Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun (Additional manufacturer April 1952-December 1953)

Long term:
1: M5A1 Stuart Light Tank - Veterans Memorial Museum, Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama, USA (Reconditioned ca 1945)

American Car and Foundry is a manufacturer of railroad rolling stock. It was formed and incorporated in New Jersey in 1899 as the result of the merger of 13 smaller railroad car manufacturers. One of these companies was the Jackson and Woodin Manufacturing Company, founded in 1861 in Berwick, Pennsylvania, and the largest freight car manufacturer in the eastern United States. American Car & Foundry invested heavily in the Berwick plant. About three million dollars were spent on the purchase of additional land, erection of additional buildings and installation of machinery, and in 1904 it built the first ever all-steel rail passenger car.
When the Second World War began in Europe on 1 September 1939, the Berwick plant began building tanks for the United States government. On 2 August 1941, the 1000th tank rolled off the assembly line. From the late 1940s it produced cars. From 1952 to 1953 it manufactured M42 Duster SP anti-aircraft vehicles. In 1954 the company officially changed its name to ACF Industries, Inc. While ACF continues, in the early 1960s it partially withdrew from car building, and the Berwick plant was sold off in 1962.

Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)


The American Car & Foundry Company steel car plant, Berwick, Pennsylvania
1: The American Car & Foundry Company steel car plant, ...

Taken: 1906
Contributor: Wikimedia
Location Photo ID: 360
Added: 3 November 2010
Views: 162
Has Priority: 0