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(Model: Remanufactured Vehicles)

U.S. Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA

(Location: Display Park)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 84

Unique ID: 84
Added to Database: May 2008
Last Edited: May 2008
Type (ID): Elefant (190)
Model (ID): Remanufactured Vehicles (360)
Location Category (ID): U.S. Army Ordnance Museum (70050)
Location (ID): Display Park (70060)
Serial Number:
Other Identification:
Collection Reference:
Links: 5 Star
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Nibelungen, Sankt Valentin, Austria (100 chassis manufactured 1941-42 then 90 converted to Elefant April-May 1943)
2: Tank Memorial, Kursk, Kurskaya Oblast, Kursk, Voronezh and Surrounding Regions, Russia (Action in general area of Kursk July 1943)
3: Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Nibelungen, Sankt Valentin, Austria (Returned to factory for upgrade)
4: Nettuno, Italy (Captured near Anzio)
5: U.S. Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Harford County, Maryland, USA (Current location)

Text in original Preserved German Tanks publication:

This Elefant has chassis number 150040 and had the tactical number “102”. It belonged to sPzJgAbt 653 whose 1st Company was equipped with 11 Elefants. It saw action in Italy in 1944 at the Nettuno bridgehead. It was then captured by US forces and shipped to APG. (Source: L. Archer). It is due to be removed from APG for restoration in Georgia (source: R. Fleming). It shows signs of battle damage.

Text in Preserved German Tanks Update:

It was captured at Anzio by American forces (source: Wikipedia).

Text in original Preserved Tanks In USA publication:

This is one of the reworked Elefants fitted with a hull-machine gun, extra mantlet protection and a commander's cupola.

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

July 1983

The Elefant at Aberdeen Proving Ground
1: The Elefant at Aberdeen Proving Ground

Taken: 9 July 1983
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 177
Added: 3 July 2008
Filename: Scan_Ele...
Views: 404
Select/Has Priority: 1/0


Rear right view
2: Rear right view

Taken: 9 July 1983
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 178
Added: 3 July 2008
Filename: Scan_Ele...
Views: 376
Select/Has Priority: 1/0


Right view
3: Right view

Taken: 9 July 1983
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 832
Added: 9 December 2008
Filename: Scan_Ele...
Views: 317
Select/Has Priority: 22/0

Front right view
4: Front right view

Taken: 9 July 1983
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 833
Added: 9 December 2008
Filename: Scan_Ele...
Views: 3245
Select/Has Priority: 22/0

Front left view
5: Front left view

Taken: 9 July 1983
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 834
Added: 9 December 2008
Filename: Scan_Ele...
Views: 380
Select/Has Priority: 22/0